Burmese Rummy Nose (Sawbwa resplendens)

Natural range

Burmese rummynose comes from Myanmar.
They have a limited distribution in Lake Inle and its surrounding waters.

Maximum Size and Longevity

Burmese rummynose can grow to a length of 4 cm, and will live for 2 to 3 years if kept in the right conditions.

Water quality

Rummynose Burmese may be temperature sensitive and prefer slightly alkaline water:

Temperature: 21-25°C

pH: 7.0 —7.5

GH: 150 – 250 ppm


Burmese rummynose are omnivores and generally eat a wide variety of foods. Be sure to provide food that is small enough for their tiny mouths.


This fish is quite peaceful in a species tank or in a community, although males can be skittish when in spawning condition. These fish live in schools in the wild and are best kept in groups of six fish, preferably more.

Color and Variety

A small silvery blue fish. Males develop red tips on the nose and fins.

sexual differences

The male has a “rummy-red” nose and red tips on the tail fin. Males have a milky or bluish coloration on the body and are usually larger than the female. Females are not red in color and are usually more silvery.

General information

As they are lake fish, they prefer little or no water movement. They color best when their natural habitat is replicated in a peaceful species or community pond. These hardy minnows prefer a heavily planted tank with places to hide. The tank must be covered, as these fish can jump if startled.